Surah Mulk is the 67th Surah of the Holy Quran with 30 verses. The Surah emphasizes on the fact that no one can force his will on another but can only influence them by setting an example for them to follow.
• Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said, "There is a Surah in the Quran that consists of 30 verses that call for a man until his sins are forgiven".
• Prophet (p.b.u.h) also said "It is a prevention of the punishment of the grave". That means that this Surah will be your companion in the darkness of your grave when no one is there..
• When you recite Surah Mulk before sleeping, an angel comes to protect you.
Key features of the Application:
• This app offers a wide variety of languages for the Surah and is currently available in Urdu, English and Arabic.
• Beautiful recitation/ Tilawat of the Surah.
• It includes audio/mp3 and written text of Surah Mulk along with the translation /tarjuma – available in both English and Urdu.
• Complete and comprehensive meaning in Urdu, word by word / ayat by ayat, making it easier to understand the essence of the Surah.
• English, urdu and Arabic audio.
• Allows you to listen and read at the same time.
• You can listen to the Surah in the background as well.
• Fazeelat of the Surah in English and Urdu is also given.
• The app is user friendly and easily operable with a short menu from where you can easily select your options.
• The soft and distinct color theme makes it more appealing and easier to read. The font is just the perfect size for you to read it clearly.
• Beautiful and understandable writing
• If you have any suggestions, you can let us know by giving us feedback via email, skype or twitter.
古兰经》(Surah Mulk)是《古兰经》第67章,有30节经文。 《古兰经》强调以下事实:没有人可以将自己的意志强加于他人,而只能通过为他们树立榜样来影响他们。
•当您在睡觉前背诵Surah Mulk时,会有天使来保护您。
•它包括Surah Mulk的音频/ mp3和书面文本以及翻译/ tarjuma –提供英语和乌尔都语两种版本。
•乌尔都语的完整而全面的含义,逐字逐句/ ayat by ayat,使人们更容易理解《古兰经》的本质。